Reassurance Scan
12 - 34 weeks gestation
£3o deposit
48hours cancellation notice
It is a traditional 2D scan that can be conducted at any stage of your pregnancy after your 12 week scan which will be done at your local hospital. The primary purpose of the scan is to assess the progress of your unborn baby and allows us to check growth measurements and weight calculations,observing fetal movement and pointing out it as it does so that you can observe while we are scanning and feel reassured .Check for the placenta position, amniotic fluid volume, identify the position of your baby.
- Fetal heart movement and measurements.
- Check the amount of fluid surrounding the baby.
- Placenta localisation.
- Estimation of fetal weight within the 2nd/3rd trimester.
- Visual reassurance of fetal movements – Watch the baby turning, moving and stretching.
- Gender confirmation from 16 weeks+ if requested.
- 2D B/W printed images in a sleeve and a written report.